About Us

Girlguiding 12th Ramsgate West belong to the county of Kent East.


Brownies are girls aged 7-10 and Guides are 10-14. We are all part of


The 12th Ramsgate West Brownies & Guides have their own unit neckerchief and rain jacket.


Our Brownies started on 16th May 2000, making us a Millenium Pack!

Brownies meet in a large group called a 'Pack'. Our Pack has 21 Brownies who have a say in what fun things we do.

They are helped by 4 Leaders, 1 Unit Helper, 1 Young Leader and 1 Pack Leaders from Guides.

A Pack is split into smaller groups called Sixes. Our Pack has 4 Sixes called - Elves, Imps, Leprechauns & Sprites

Each Six has a Sixer and is helped by a Seconder. They makes sure everyone in their Six is O.K. and understands things.

New Brownies have a Brownie Buddy to help them settle in.

When we join Brownies we are given a 'Becoming a Brownie' booklet which helps us find out about being a Brownie. When we are ready we have a Promise Celebration and are given an Adventure book, badge book and a Promise box took keep all our Brownie treasures in.

There are 2 Adventure books - 'Adventure' for 7-8 year olds and 'Adventure On' for 9-10 year olds.

 Both are full of challenges based on the Adventure Areas - You, Community & World. These challenges count towards our Adventure Badges, the highest badges a Brownie can earn!

 The Brownie Badge book tells us what to do for each badge. There are over 50 badges - if a Brownie has an interest there will be a badge for it!

Our Guides started on 21st April 2008.

Our Unit has 26 Guides, 2 cool Young Leaders and 4 fab leaders.

We have 5 Patrols - Dolphins, Dragonflies, Lions, Polar Bears, & B-P Butterflies.


A Patrol is a ready-made group of friends who work together as a team. Each Patrol has a Patrol Leader to help get themelves organised. She is helped by her Patrol Second.  We also have a Patrol of older Guides, the B-P Butterflies, who are working on the Baden-Powell Award - the highest award a Guide can gain.

 When a new Guide joins, and has paid her joining fee, she gets her welcome pack - a bag full of things she needs at Guides, like her G-file, and a cool story book. A G-file is what a Guide uses during her time as a Guide. Aswell as being full of funky things it helps you record things towards Challenge badges. We also have a copy of the badge file in the back of our G-files.  Interest badges is something Guides do by themselves or with their Patrol on a subject they are interested in.

At Guides the Guides plan what we do! Usually we spend a term in our Patrols doing fun Go For It's! or badges. The next term we will do cool stuff based on the five Guide zones;

Global Awareness Discovery Skills & Relationships Celebrating Diversity Healthy Lifestyles

Go For It's! are a wide range of activities based on a theme, like Football, Lights/Camera/Action, Chocolate, Lifewise and Glamourama, that we try out with our Patrols. When we have spent four Patrol times on it we get a mini-certificate.

Did You Know.......?

Ramsgate has the ONLY Royal Harbour in the U.K.

Ramsgate has it's own time! It is 5 minutes and 41 seconds ahead of the rest of England (but we don't use it!)

Ramsgate is only 35 miles from the French coast. 

Ramsgate has a population of around 40,000.

Our meeting place has it's own radio station. Check out Acadamy FM on 107.8 MHz. - You may even get to hear the Brownies or Guides talking!